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ON THE MENTAL In lithotherapy, carnelian promotes energy, gives courage and supports stability. It elevates mood and helps with problem solving by strengthening analytical thinking. The stone fights inertia and protects against illusions. Carnelian also promotes a sense of community and helps those who bring it to idealism. Joy of life, good humor and vitality are the central themes of the Carnelian effect. Blood-red, orange-red, or red-brown gemstones impart stamina and solve problems that require commitment. As an oxide, it is well suited for clarifying hazardous situations or converting them to stable situations. The effects of carnelian on the psyche are: Concentration and realism, joie de vivre, courage, driving force Support in solving difficulties Good for feelings of loneliness Compensation for imbalances ON THE BODY As a physical stone, carnelian has a variety of effects. It helps relieve headaches and coughs, relieves fever and strengthens blood circulation. Carnelian is often recommended for problems with digestion, abdomen, liver, gallbladder, and metabolism. Magmatic rock stimulates the immune system, strengthens the spleen, promotes detoxification and warms cold feet and hands. It is also used for nosebleeds, bleeding gums and periodontosis. Carnelian is particularly known for its purifying effect on the blood. In general, lithotherapy healers attribute stimulating and harmonizing qualities to carnelians. The effects of carnelian on the physical level are: Promotes metabolism and blood circulation Strengthens the immune system and blood circulation Promotes the absorption of vitamins and minerals Improves blood formation and purification Contributes to a healthy appetite Protects the skin from harmful environmental influences

Orange Carnelian Bracelet 6mm

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